Is It Illegal To Have No Front Number Plates?

Whether you are bothered about your number plates or not, you have to admit that cars look pretty cool without any front number plates on; and especially if you see a sports car or supercar without one. Many drivers who own supercars like Ferrari’s tend to have no front number plate on their cars, leaving many drivers unsure of the legalities of taking off the front number plate, so we decided to answer it in this blog.

Is it illegal to have no front number plates?

Yes, it is an offence to have no front number plates on your vehicle.

What happens if you are caught with no front number plate?

According to the GOV website, “you could be fined up to £1,000 and your vehicle will fail it’s MOT test if you drive with incorrectly displayed number plates.”

What’s the importance of number plates on the road?

The importance of having both front and rear number plates on a vehicle cannot be undermined. The main reason as to why they are important in day to day driving life is that it makes the vehicle easily identifiable if a crime were to take place or you were involved in a collision.

In Hit and Run cases, the driver may collide or hit your vehicle and drive off with you only being able to rely on identifying the manufacturer and model of the car (which you may not know…). Having number plates not only makes the car identifiable but also improves road safety overall and aids in the collection of road tax. Also, with no number plates, ANPR cameras would not be able to pick up a number plate and therefore the driver of the vehicle if they were to commit a speeding offence.

Number Plate Fell Off What Should I Do?

If you find that your number plate has fallen off without you realising, you may be worried about what could happen to you as a result of that. You should be ready to tell the police if you are stopped by them, but always make sure to go back and retrace your route and try and retrieve the plate; as this will save a lot of hassle. Police can issue you with a fine if they catch you on the road without a number plate attached, so be sure to make sure that they are both still on before you make every journey if you can. 

What are ANPR cameras?

Following our point on ANPR cameras above, it’s probably best that we explained what they are if you didn’t know already. ANPR is an acronym for automatic number-plate recognition and is a technology used on UK roads to identify number plates with ease complete with geographical data reporting 24/7. This technology is used by the Police and on the roads to catch speeders and to check records of vehicles.

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